Meeting so many babies in my line of work, it’s common to see a selection of the same names pop up again and again and I certainly don’t need to see a Top Ten list to know which names are the most popular for any given year 😉 So when my client, Emma, contacted me to say she’d had her baby girl, I was pleasantly surprised and instantly enamoured by her choice of name – Fern. Such a pretty name with the distinction of being a little bit different but not awkwardly so.

Then there was the class where it felt like every second parent had decided to randomly stick an ‘h’ in their child’s name. Dakodah, Mahly, Tarah, Amilyah…that last one is pronounced ‘Amelia’, FYI.
Ask any teacher who has gone on to become a parent and I’m sure they’ll willingly admit that choosing a name for their own baby was an arduous task. A name can unintentionally suggest a lot about a person but never more so than during those formative primary school years. When you’re a teacher, many names are struck off potential lists based on students you’ve previously taught or those who’ve seen the inside of the Principal’s office one too many times, and often whole segments of the baby name book will be completely overlooked purely because those particular names begin with a wholly undesirable letter.

But back to Fern and for any teachers out there following along, I can reveal that she and her beautiful family were absolute delights and you’ve nothing to fear here!


Which names are Australian parents loving so far in 2018? You can read more here